Lesson Learned:  God gives you rest.

Materials Needed: shoebox, contact paper, small blanket, stickers, small stuffed animal

Bible Verse:
Psalm 4:8
I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Talking Points:  God gives us peace and rest.  If you are ever scared or worried about something, God can help you feel restful!   Being restful means that you aren’t worried about anything; it means you are happy where you are at and that you know you are taken care of.

Questions:  Have you ever had trouble falling asleep?  Have you ever tried praying to God to help you sleep and get rest? 

Decorate a shoe box with fun-colored contact paper.  Let the child decorate the box with stickers.  Flip the box upside and let the child put the stuffed animal in the box like a bed, covering the animal with a blanket.  Say some prayers to help her animal fall asleep.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us rest. We will always have peace when we look to  You. Amen!

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