Lesson Learned: True beauty lies within.
Materials Needed: approximately 3-5 ft of wide ribbon, marker, stapler, scissors
Bible Verse:
1 Thessalonians 5:8
But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.
Talking Points: Jesus is always with us. He knows everything we say and do and even everything we think and feel. Jesus wants us have act lovingly, to have loving thoughts, and to have loving hearts. Every day we need to pray to Jesus and ask Him for help with these things. When we do, we will be beautiful inside, full of faith and hope that Jesus loves us.Questions: What makes someone beautiful?
Cut a piece of ribbon that will be a comfortable sized sash for your child. Staple the sash at the ends. On the ribbon, write the words “faith and love”. Let the child put the sash on.
Next, measure the child’s head and cut a piece of ribbon the size of her head. Write the word “hope” on the headband. Put it on the child’s head.
Have a fashion show with your adornments of faith, love, and hope!
Prayer: Heavenly Father and Lord, help us to be full of faith, hope, and love. We want to be beautiful inside! Amen!
- Peaceful Rest
- The Blind Man