Lesson Learned: We must eat well to grow big and strong like Jesus.

Materials Needed: pictures of various foods (I used pictures of food on abc flashcards)

Bible Verse:
Luke 2:40
40 And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.  

Talking Points:  Jesus was born a tiny baby, but He grew up to be big and strong.  He was very wise because He knew God’s Word and He probably ate healthy food, too.  Healthy food has lots of good stuff in it to make your eyes strong, your ears strong, your hands strong, your legs strong, and your mind strong. Vegetables, milk, oatmeal, and fruit are all very good for you to eat.  Ice cream, cookies, and lollipops are very tasty to eat but we must make sure we don’t eat them all day long or we will end up with a tummy ache!

Questions:  What kinds of foods can you think of that are healthy?  What kinds of foods do you think are unhealthy? Why is it important to eat healthy foods?  Do you think Jesus ate healthy foods?

Healthy or Not
Flip through pictures of various foods and have the child identify the food as “healthy” or “unhealthy”.  You may want to explain that some foods taster good but they aren’t necessarily good at making your eyes or your mind or your body strong.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank You for making every part of our body.  You are an amazing Creator. Guide us in making healthy food choices so we can grow big and strong like Jesus. Amen!

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