Lesson Learned: We can always turn to God.

Materials Needed: four large recycled boxes, painter’s tape or something similar like masking tape or duct tape

Bible Verse:
Proverbs 18:10
10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower;
   the righteous run to it and are safe.

Talking Points:  God should be the focus of everything we do.  We should want to run to him and want to be near him all the days of our life.  When we pray to God, live for God, and trust Him, He watches over us and protects us.  We can always turn to God in all circumstances, when you are happy or sad, mad or upset; God always wants you near Him.

Questions:  Is God strong?  How do you know?  When can you turn to God?

Activity:  Using the tape, make the outlines of the letters “L-O-R-D” onto the boxes–one letter on each box.   Stack up the letters so it makes a big tower and spells LORD.  Stand back from the tower and then tell the child to race to the tower as fast as he/she can.  Repeat.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, You love us. You protect us. You want us to run to You.  Please fix our eyes on You always! Amen!

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