Lesson Learned:  Jesus is now in Heaven, seated at God’s right hand.

Materials Needed: cookie sheet, roller, salt, flour, water, toothpick, ribbon

Bible Verse:
Mark 16:19
   19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. 

Psalm 110:1

 1 The LORD says to my lord:
   “Sit at my right hand
   until I make your enemies
   a footstool for your feet.”

Talking Points:  Jesus came down from Heaven as a baby and was born in Bethlehem to Mary.  His Father was God and He came down from Heaven to teach us about God.  He lived a very special life, one without sin, and God had a very special purpose for Jesus.   God wanted Jesus to save us from sin and evil and that’s what Jesus did when He died on the cross.  After He died, He went back to Heaven and is now seated next to God at His right hand.

Questions:  Did God have a special plan for Jesus’ life? Do you know God has a special purpose for you life?  Where is Jesus now? Where is your right hand?

Mix together 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of salt, and 1/2 cup water.  Grease a cookie sheet and let the child roll out the dough.  Help the child make handprints.  Make sure you make a hole at the top with the toothpick to hang up the ornament with the ribbon.  

Dry the ornament in the oven for 4 hours at 200 degrees F.

Prayer:  Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to save us from sin.  We are so glad we can learn from Him and we are looking forward to seeing Him at Your right hand someday. Amen!

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