Preschoolers’ minds are like sponges! They are so eager to learn and they soak up information at an unimaginable rate.
About These Preschool Bible Devotions
It is never too early to start teaching your kids the Bible.
We are commanded by God to teach our children the ways of the Lord.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
God’s words are powerful. His message is life giving. Even the youngest child can be taught that God is the maker of all things and that He loves them. As your kids grow, you can share the awesome stories of God’s miracles like Jesus Feeding the 5,000 and Jesus Walking on Water.
My word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11
Start instilling a love for God’s word in your kids today. Get tips on making sure you get the most of these preschool devotion lessons.

The First Sin
Today’s lesson focuses on Adam and Eve’s sin.
Lesson Learned
Adam and Eve disobeyed God.
Materials Needed
- egg carton
- paints
- paintbrush
Bible Verse
Genesis 3:1-13, 23
Talking Points
God does not like it when we disobey Him. God had made Adam and Eve and let them live in a beautiful garden called the Garden of Eden. They were allowed to eat anything they wanted from the garden except for the fruit from one tree. A bad snake told Eve she should eat from the tree anyway. Eve listens to the snake and disobeys God and eats from the tree that God had told her not to eat from. Adam eats some too. God was not happy with Adam and Eve. They had done a bad thing–they had sinned and God made them leave the Garden of Eden.
- God told Eve should could eat everything in the garden except one thing: what was it?
- Did Adam and Eve obey God?
- Was God happy or sad that they had disobeyed?
- What happened to Adam and Eve?
Activity – Making an Egg Carton Snake
Cut an egg carton in half (lengthwise). Let the child paint the egg carton like a snake. When it dries, add some eyes to the head of the snake.
Dear God, we do not want to disobey. We know that when we disobey it makes You sad. Help us to listen to our moms and dads and You today! Amen!