Lesson Learned:  God makes the rain and all the weather.

Materials Needed:  an umbrella
Bible Verse :
Ecclesiastes 11:3
3 If clouds are full of water,
   they pour rain on the earth.
Joel 2:23
23 Be glad, people of Zion,
   rejoice in the LORD your God,
for he has given you the autumn rains
   because he is faithful.
He sends you abundant showers,
   both autumn and spring rains, as before.

Talking Points:  God made the rain. We need rain to make flowers and trees grow. We also need rain to fill our lakes and rivers so we have water to drink.  Rain is very important and we should thank God for it!
Questions:  Where does rain come from? Why do we need rain? Do you like it when it rains?
Let the child go outside and play with an umbrella.
Prayer:  Father God, thank you for giving us rain!  We need it for so many things, like drinking and getting clean and growing flowers.  May we always remember to thank you for rain. Amen!

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