A Sunday School Lesson to Teach Kids How to Navigate the Bible and Find Bible Verses
Every year when new students enter my Sunday school class, there is a wide discrepancy between kids’ ability to navigate the Bible and find Bible verses.
To bridge the gap, I start each year with a lesson on navigating the Bible. Teach kids how to locate Bible verses when given the book, chapter, and verse.
This simple lesson has proven invaluable year after year. It helps kids locate the books of the Bible faster so we can achieve our lesson goals instead of fumbling around the Bible looking for verses.
With practice, kids will be able to find the books of the Bible quickly, making it easier for you to teach your other lessons.
The lesson starts by explaining that there are two main parts of the Bible – the Old Testament and the New Testament. Then, the students will see the various ways that Bible verses are written and explain how to find the book, the chapter, and the verse of a given scripture reference.
Next, students will practice looking up verses while learning that God’s Word is true and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
You can choose between various question sheets, memory verse work, or games. Build the lesson to suit your needs!

Navigating the Bible Sunday School Lesson Content:
Suggested Teaching Lesson Outline
Object Lesson Instructions: Moving Water With Your Words
Teaching Lesson: Students will learn how Bible verses are commonly listed and how to look up Bible verses listed in various formats.
Question Sheet: God’s Word is True
- Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Where does all scripture come from and what is it good for?
- Read 2 Peter 1:20-21. Does scripture come from the will of man? Who inspired men to write the Bible?
- Read Psalm 119:160. Does God ever change His rules or laws?
- Read 1 Corinthians 2:14. Why is it difficult for some people to understand the Bible?
Old Testament or New Testament? Activity Sheet
- Kids look up various verses to determine if they are in the Old Testament or the New Testament. (Answer Sheet included)
Fun and Easy Group Games
Memory Verse Challenge
Verse from 2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, ESV
Use the activities in this Sunday School lesson as suggested in the lesson outline or mix and match the activities to suit your needs and time limits.
These activities will ensure your Bible navigation lesson is interesting and memorable. This lesson is geared toward kids in the 3rd-6th grade.
Enjoy! Let me know how you used this lesson in the comments.
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