Lesson Learned:  God wants us to hear His message, not just with our ears but with our hearts.

Materials Needed:  radio or other noise making object, pillow or blanket

Bible Verse:
Revelation 2:7
7He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

Revelation 2: 11
11He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death.

Revelation 2:29
29He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Talking Points:  Jesus wants us not to just hear the words in His stories; He wants us to take them to heart and to really live by what He is saying.  It’s like when your mommy tells you to clean something up. She wants you to not just hear but to listen to her and to do what she says.  It makes God happy when you do what Jesus says, just like it makes your mom happy when you do what she asks you to do.

Questions: Do you hear with your ears? What do you hear with your ears?  Are you glad you can hear God’s words and stories in the Bible?

Activity 1
Sing this Song and point to the appropriate body parts as you sing:
Be Careful Little Head What you Think
(Tune: If you’re happy and you now it)

Oh be careful little eyes what you see
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Lord up above is watching down in love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see

Oh be careful little ears what you hear
Oh be careful little ears what you hear
For the Lord up above is watching down in love
Oh be careful little ears what you hear

Oh be careful little heart what you feel…

Oh be careful little mind what you think….

Oh be careful little feet what you go….

Oh be careful little hands what you do…

Activity 2
Hide a radio or some other noise making object under a pillow or a blanket and have the child go find it.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, please open our ears and hearts to listen to your words in the Bible.  We love you and thank you for giving the ability to hear and see and we pray that we will always do as You ask through Your Spirit. Amen.

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