We had a great time visiting family and enjoying the holidays.  I was tickled pink when my daughter said, “I think I have something on my head. Oh, it’s a story of Jesus. You want to hear it?”  She then proceeded to tell us the Christmas story and ended the story with “and then He died to save us from our sins and go to Heaven!” Mama’s so proud! πŸ™‚

Anyway, we are back and ready to start posting our devotionals again! I’ll be posting a few from the last few days to catch up–ones I wasn’t able to get posted while we were away.

I pray that anyone who might reads this has a very blessed 2012 full of lots of God’s blessings!

May 24 β€œβ€˜β€œThe LORD bless you
   and keep you;
25 the LORD make his face shine on you
   and be gracious to you;
26 the LORD turn his face toward you
   and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26 

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