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Lesson Learned: God wrote our life stories.
Materials Needed: child’s favorite books, paper, crayon
Bible Verse:
Acts 3:15
15 You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.
Talking Points:
An author is someone who writes a book or a poem or a story; the author of a book is the person who created it. God created you and me. He has a plan for our lives and He wrote our life stories. He is the author of our lives
Questions: What is an author? Who wrote our life story?
Activity: Show the child where the name of each author is on his/her favorite books. Then, you could help them try to write their name on a piece of paper.
Prayer: Dear Lord, You are the author of our lives and we thank You for Your sovereign knowledge in keeping us safe and guiding us to live Holy lives. Amen!