When God told Noah to build an Ark, he probably had some questions.
Like what is an ark? You want me to build it where? How long will it take to build this ark? Aren’t people going to think I’m crazy?
Noah was told to build an incredibly large boat, far from the water, for 100 years! People thought he was crazy. But Noah still obeyed and it is a classic Bible story worth teaching our children.
This fun lapbook helps you teach and review the story of Noah’s Ark with older kids in Sunday School classes.

Noah’s Ark Lapbook
Noah’s Ark is a classic Bible story every child needs to know. This fun, easy to assemble lapbook can be used to teach or review the story of Noah’s Ark and the great flood. It’s great for 2nd-4th graders.
Kids will review the story of Noah’s Ark. They will answer simple questions about Noah’s life on easy to lift flaps and create a short summary of the story.
Kids will answer questions about their favorite animal on the ark and what a rainbow makes them think about.
Pictures are in black and white so students can color the handouts themselves. If you’re short on time, leave the pictures black and white and just assemble without coloring.
Directions for assembling this Noah’s Ark Lap Book are included. There are lots of pictures to make assembly easy.
“But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.” Genesis 6:8
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