Funny Nativity Story Activity
Remember doing Mad Libs as a kid? You came up with a noun, a verb, or an adjective to fill in the blanks and come up with some hilarious, often nonsensical stories?

A few years ago, I thought it would be fun to have the kids do this for a Christmas Sunday School lesson. At the end our lesson, we’d partner up to fill out these crazy nativity stories.
These Christmas Fill in the Blanks Stories Always Make the Kids Laugh!
After doing a lesson on Jesus’ birth, I’ll crack out these nativity stories for a fun ending activity.
How do you play this Christmas Sunday School Game?
It’s simple!
It’s best to play this parts of speech game in pairs. One person asks his/her partner to name something in the appropriate category. That person writes down what the other person says in the appropriate blank.
For example, partner A asks for a verb. Person B says “jump”. Person A writes “jump” in the blank space provided in the story. The main categories are nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
When they are finished, they read the story out loud to their friend. Take turns and switch roles so each person gets a chance to be in each role.
Remind the Kids to Be Respectful While they Play This Silly Christmas Sunday School Game
Kids will be kids, of course. So even though these games are meant to be funny and goofy, we also need to remember to be respectful. No potty words or rude names. Remind the kids that even though they are having fun, they are still talking about Jesus’ birth.
Kids will be (insert verb) with laughter while they play this Nativity Sunday School game.
This Christmas game is always a hit in my Sunday school classes during December. It’s easy and fun and kids are sure to remember it!
Click to buy it now for $1.50.
Merry Christmas!
This game is also included in a full Christmas lesson about Jesus’ birth. Take a stress out of your Sunday school planning. This Christmas lesson has everything you need.
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