It’s the time of year where parents find themselves scrambling to the nearest discount store to pick up some random Valentine’s Day cards for a classroom of some 30 oversugared elementary aged students. Paw patrol or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Barbie or LOL dolls? Why not skip the licensed Valentine’s Day cards this year and tell your kid’s friends and classmates that Jesus loves them? Christian Valentine’s Day Cards are awesome!
Honestly, I used to think that Valentine’s Day parties at school were the more superfulous thing. Valentine’s Day is meant for girlfriends and boyfriends, fiances, and spouses. Why do 5-11 year olds need to exchange Valentine’s Day cards? I am pretty sure most girls think boys have cooties at this age anyway!
But then I had a realization about Valentine’s Day.
It’s the perfect time for my kids to share Bible verses with their classmates.

What better time to share God’s love? The teacher instucts me to send 30 Valentine’s Day cards with my kids to celebrate a holiday about LOVE. Well, like 1 John 4:8 says,
so looks like I’ll be sending Christian Valentine’s Day cards about God from now on! I don’t need much of an excuse to share God’s love with others. This is a perfect way to tell children that God is real and that God loves them.
Christian Valentine’s Day Cards
I’ve created several versions of various cards for my kids to hand out at school. I’ve used these same cards to hand out to my Sunday School kids.

Check these Valentine’s Day Cards out at my Teachers Pay Teachers store. These are great for older elementary.

Or check out these Christian Valentine’s Day cards geared toward Kindergarten through second grade.
Seize the opportunity to share about God’s love. Valentine’s Day, a holiday about love, is a great day to share about God. These Biblical Valentine’s Day cards will be different and stand out from your local discount store’s offerings.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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